BEFORE YOU CLICK THE CENTER POINT: In the command line toggle Flip to change to direction of the arrow. Once you hover over a center point, notice the small arrow that appears near the point you just referenced.Ĥ. (Note*** Since you can’t snap to a midpoint on a surface it sometimes helps to actually draw a curve on the surface so you can snap to the mid point of the curve.) Select surface > Now specify a center point. If you want to orient your view to a particular surface plane, Orient Camera to Surface can be beneficial.Ģ. In the drop down menu next to “Perspective” viewport scroll down to Set Camera > Orient Camera to Surface.ģ. You can draw guidelines at different points in your model to place the camera and create different views.ġ.

The line you created is just a guide line to set up the view and may be deleted. Command line will prompt to specify the target point > Choose the opposite endpoint of the line.ĥ. Command line will prompt to specify the camera point > Choose one endpoint of the line.Ĥ. In the drop down menu next to “Perspective” viewport scroll down to Set Camera> Place Camera and Target.ģ. Using Gumball, move vertically on the blue axis to roughly 5 feet (eye level).Ģ. Now when you navigate to the Viewport drop down menu, you should see your newly created view under “Named Views” Topic_02: Place Camera and Targetġ. Name the view.ģ. You have successfully saved a view! You should see a thumbnail preview in the dialog box.Ĥ. Near the top left select the “ Save as” icon. Perspective) click the drop down menu > Set view > Named Views…Ģ.